
03 Jun 2021

Triple C, the label that motivates us to expedite Peru's decarbonization


Lima, June 3rd, 2021

Celepsa has established a unique strategy for mobilizing participants from the commercial sector, the government, and civil society around our goal: accelerate Peru's decarbonization. The Triple C - Celepsa Negative Carbon Commitment is now accessible to enterprises and organizations committed to achieving compliance with Peru's carbon neutrality targets by 2050.

But why bother with a label?

We believed that the company's purpose and the actions defined to achieve it required a distinct label with the capacity to mobilize - not a seal, not a traditional certificate attached to documents-, an element to share, # label, and encourage our allies to evidence their commitments and join in this joint effort to build a more sustainable Peru.

The Triple C is an example of a business model that is oriented on business growth and considers the development of solutions to generate more value for customers and stakeholders. In this context, we decided that sustainability should be the overarching value that characterizes Celepsa's operations, in line with emerging global trends and business models. And that is exactly what we are doing:

Decarbonize the energy system while also using decentralized and digitalized electrification technologies that enable access to new and competitive energy services.

Intervene in crucial ecosystems like the Nor Yauyos Cochas Landscape Reserve, which provide ecological services including carbon sequestration and water consolidation.

Encourage the development of circular cities by providing creative solutions for sustainable mobility and access to energy systems in places that are not connected to the National Interconnected Electric System, among other things.

We recognize that it is an ambitious objective that we cannot achieve alone, but we are taking the measures that Peru and the planet require of us.

Triple C is not going away.

Will you join us?